"Citizenship is a status bestowed on those who are full members of a community. All who possess the status are equal with respects to the rights and duties with which the status is endowed. There in no universal principle that determines what those rights and duties shall be, but societies in which citizenship is a developing institution create an image of ideal citizenship against which achievement can be measured and towards which aspiration can be directed. the urge forward also the path thus plotted in a urge towards a fuller measure of equality, an enrichment of the study of which the status is made and an increase in the number of those on whom the status is bestowed. Social class, on the other hand, is a system of inequality. And it too, like citizenship, can be based a set of ideals, beliefs and values. It is therefore reasonable to expect that impact of citizenship on social class should take the form of a conflict between opposing principles. If I am right in my contention that citizenship has been a developing institution in England at least since the latter part of the seventeenth century, then it is clear that its growth coincides with the rise of capitalism, which is a system, not of equality, but of inequality. Here is something that needs explaining. How is it that these two opposing principles could grow and flourish side by side in the same soil? What made in possible for them to be reconciled with on another and to become, for a time at least, allies instead of antagonists? The question is a pertinent one, for it is clear that, in the twentieth century, citizenship and the capitalist class system have been at war. "In T.H. Marshall "Citizenship and Social Class" he stress to us the difference between Citizenship and the Social Class. Marshall because this passage by explaining that citizenship is a status that is bestowed upon those who are a full member of the society, not to those who are visiting or have been there for a short period. He express to us that with citizenship everyone who possess it "are equal with respects to the rights and duties with which the status endowed." You are equal in your claim and pride of belong to that nation but that is all there is. He lets us know that there wasn't or isn't any "principle that determines" your do and font's but it is an "ideal". Marshall goes on compare citizenship and socials class to capitalism. He believed at that time that there was no difference between citizenship and capitalism. A person can claim a right to something but that does not mean that he can get it without working hard to get it.
I choose the following passage because it highlights to us the meaning of citizenship. It gives me and those who read this article a clear view of what the meaning of citizenship is us today and how it was in earlier times. It also shows us that many of these principles regarding citizenship is still in affect today. They are many individuals think that being a citizen means that it comes with all the rights and privileges that everyone else has, only to find out that there is still a separation in the socials status and many other aspect of our lives . Another reason that I choose this passage is because its telling us the reader to stop living with the fantasy of being a citizen and look at the facts and truth of what belongs to a nation entails.
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